Hello there. I made this account over 5 years ago, and I've never really thought to use it to its full potential. I should do something about that. So why not some slightly intriguing announcements?
I have a new EP coming next week. It will be released for Bandcamp Friday first, followed by everywhere else on March 10th. I cannot guarantee all of the songs from the EP will be going up here due to my use of samples, but at least three of the five will. I'm very excited to share them to here.
Here is the cover:
I want to thank this site for putting me on the Geometry Dash whitelist last month. I don't know if this is something that changed for most people or just me, but I'm expressing my gratitude anyway. I hope some creative soul will make a fun level out of my music, preferrably the newer stuff heh ^^;
I have updated my screen here from ThatEmeraldXGuy to EmeraldXMusic. Or at least I hope to by the time anyone reads this. This is just to keep a consistent brand across my music socials. Nothing much will change outside of the fresh name.
I look forward to using this as one of the many platforms I can easily share my new projects to. I'm happy with my upcoming plans and I can't wait to share them to the world. Until then, have a good day.